6 Board Games to be exact! Board Games will pose a new way for players to earn money in Mount&Blade, as opposed to the old method of wining tournaments in Warband, or fighting some poor sorry drunk in Fire&Sword for a mere 50 denars or killing him for his sword as a reward to pawn! No now for those who think they can put their mental skills to the test, with a sack full of denars on the table, can do so. New board game features will be coming to Mount&Blade 2 Bannerlord. The video features commentary from our CEO and Founder, Armagan Yavuz, who talks through diplomacy, the battles and more." Basically they are going to show you more of the game paly, and show more examples of choices you will have to make within the game! "To offer extra bit of Bannerlord information, for those eagerly anticipating our upcoming title, we appeared on GameStar's livestream at the event, to present some extended game play, which shows the campaign elements of a Siege and highlights the variety of choice presented to players in the game. This marks Their first soiree into the world of consoles and they are very excited for Mount & Blade to be reaching a whole host of new players! In addition to an amazing gameplay video of the new Bannerlord, Taleworlds have announced that Warband will be releasing on Xbox One and PS4, this September 16th. While there, they showed off Bannerlord to press and players from around the world, and released a video demonstrating our Siege Defense Gameplay (below), This Gameplay is absolutely amazing and truly demonstrates how far advanced The Taleworlds team is in strategy combat game making compared to most of the game making community!

Last week, The Mount and Blade team visited Cologne to attend Gamescom 2016! the world's largest gaming event.